Tuesday, 26 May 2009

a gap in the lolmarket

Even my mother now knows about lolcats, almost definitive proof that they have gone mainstream (and probably also passé). There have been many variations on the theme (including the infinitely superior lolbunnies - infinitely superior, of course, only cuz bunnehs demselvz iz so much bettah dan enee catz) and lolspeak is applied with varying success to numerous humans as well. The one that springs quickest to my mind is Nick Griffin, immortalised thus (particularly around the BNP membership list leak):

If anyone - or perhaps more accurately, anyone's face - was truly made for lolation, it is the illustrious Mr. Griffin. But wait! - isn't this yet another example of leftie PC nonsense discrimination against the
long-suffering BNP? Why stop at Griffin? Why not branch out into... LOLPOLS!

I'll start us off, shall I?


  1. I never realised before quite how wonky Nick Griffin's eyes are.

  2. He is quite spectacularly and morbidly fascinatingly MADE of wonk.
