You get a lot of shit for being a feminist, but the oddest kind is definitely sandwhich shit. For those of you unacquainted with this fantastic phenomenon, this is roughly how it works:
Feminist: *Rational argument*
Idiot: Yeah, well, make me a sandwich, bitch!
Sandwich strikeback has long formed an important part of the misogynist's armoury, but it came to notable attention today as the impotent death knell of what had otherwise been an actual dialogue. As is so often the case (I suppose even (tw)its advocates realise it would sound silly out loud) the exchange took place over the internet, on Facebook to be precise. To be even more precise, it took place in Facebook's 10, 000, 000 AGAINST DISGUSTING JAPANESE RAPELAY RAPE SIMULATION GAME! GLOBAL group, on the moronically-titled thread, "I don't see the problem".
As in any such "shock" thread, metaphorical fists flew from the first, but one exchange embodied the Sandwich Theory most hilariously (subversive font colours blogger's own):
Every girl I have ever met, has a rape story. It seems there's a lot of it about :-O
That, or some women like to rewrite history to make them less responsible for their own sluttiness. Who knows? It could be either.
"That, or some women like to rewrite history to make them less responsible for their own sluttiness. Who knows? It could be either." really, and what fantastic incentives exactly do you think there are for women to "rewrite history"? the sympathy and empathy they'd get? the way people would believe them instead of the man? the fantastic conviction rates? oh wait, none of those apply.
"really, and what fantastic incentives exactly do you think there are for women to "rewrite history"? the sympathy and empathy they'd get? the way people would believe them instead of the man? the fantastic conviction rates? oh wait, none of those apply." Erm, we werent talking about court cases, it was about anecdotal cases, in which case: Sympathy and empathy they'd get? Yes. I dfind that they do, from women and from men. The way people would believe them instead of the man? Yes- Of course you're going to believe your female friend, over a Bad Man, that you've never met. The fantastic conviction rates? Well, who's to say that the 6% conviction rates(since you brought them up), arent a result of women making things up to make themselves look more virtuous? They mightn't be, but we werent there at every case, so who is to say? I'm not blaming women entirely, it's our fault as a whole, for making the double statdard of "Man sleeps with many women= stud, woman sleeps with many men= slag". And for making women ashamed to be sexually agressive/promiscuous. But a lie is a lie. And a man accused of rape has his name dragged through the courts and the newspspers, and his life ruined. The woman accusing him, gets to be known as Miss X. I like the way my uberfeminist pals tend to gloss over that last fact.
"Sympathy and empathy they'd get? Yes. I dfind that they do, from women and from men." & Of course you're going to believe your female friend, over a Bad Man, that you've never met.
people may like to think they are sympathetic to rape victims, but it is often very different in real life. if you get jumped by a stranger in an alley with a knife, then people will indeed be sympathetic. but most rapes are acquaintance rapes - how much sympathy do you think women get when they're not talking about a stereotypical bogeyman, but a popular, friendly guy that their friends know socially and can't believe anything bad of? then it turns straight into, "he must have been really drunk, i can't believe he would have done that on purpose, are you SURE you didn't really say yes", etc etc. the fact is, most rapes are not perpetrated by "a Bad Man, that you've never met" that you cite, and that's a huge problem for any woman disclosing such an attack, either formally or informally.
as for, "who's to say that the 6% conviction rates(since you brought them up), arent a result of women making things up to make themselves look more virtuous?" i can't even be bothered to reply to such a load of vomitworthy shite. if you knew anything at all about this issue from anything more than an uninformed, defensive angle you wouldn't be able to come out with a sentence like that.
I think you should shut your whore mouth, and decamp to the Kitchen Area, where you'll find sandwich making material. Chop chop.
i think that's a poor stab at insult and/or sarcasm, and an even poorer substitute for a rational response. you poor, limited individual.
I'm hearing words, I am not tasting sandwich. Didnt they teach you how to sammich at university?
no, they didn't; i, unlike you, didn't need to learn.
I mean, really, what the fuck? How is this regarded as a normal way to react to a woman arguing with you in the 21st century? Equality ain't fucking nigh...
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Friday, 5 June 2009
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